Download the Toolkit: Tyfu Lavender - Welsh.pdf
Gall lafant fod yn gnwd newydd ac anarferol y gellir ei integreiddio i ystod o ddaliadau tyfu cyffredin, a gall hyd yn oed integreiddio'n dda â chynnyrch eraill fel mel, os oes gennych gychod gwenyn ar y safle.
Gall lafant sych gael ei werthu fel amrywiaeth o gynnyrch fel blodau sych, wedi’u paratoi’n dusw naill ai ar ei ben ei hun neu’n gymysg â blodau sych eraill fel ysgall a Gypsophila. Ar gyfer safleoedd ‘pigo eich hun’, gall lafant fod yn ychwanegiad apelgar at safle’r fferm. Gall planhigfeydd lafant mawr gael eu hurio hyd yn oed fel cefnlen i luniau priodas! O safbwynt tyfu, gall lafant gael ei drin yn hawdd heb lawer o broblemau plâu a chlefydau yn yr hirdymor. Ar ôl ei blannu, gall lafant bara 6-10 mlynedd yn dibynnu ar y pridd, y math o lafant ac amodau tywydd cyn gorfod ailblannu.
Mae lafant yn gweddu orau i ardaloedd o law isel mewn pridd calchaidd, caregog sydd wedi'i ddraenio'n dda mewn amgylchiadau sych a heulog. Lôm ysgafn dros sialc yw'r mwyaf addas, er y gellir defnyddio lôm tywodlyd os yw wedi'i galchu’n addas. Mae pridd sy'n draenio’n rhwydd yn hollbwysig, felly mae priddoedd trwm yn anaddas oherwydd y risg uwch o glefydau. Mae angen ardaloedd di-rew a diogelwch rhag gwyntoedd cryfion hefyd.
Bydd lafant yn addas i aeafau mwyn Cymru, ond gall lefel uchel o law a gwyntoedd cryfion fod yn her i'r cnwd. Y peth gorau yw plannu lafant mewn caeau cysgodol, ond os ydych eisiau tyfu ar safle sy’n agored i’r elfennau, dylech ystyried cysgodion rhag y gwynt i warchod y cnwd.
Gellir creu gwelyau ar ôl eu tyfu i uchder o 30 - 40cm gyda thop gwastad. Ar ôl eu ffurfio, dylai stripiau Mypex gael eu gosod dros y gwelyau i reoli chwyn, gyda phibell ddyfrhau o dan y Mypex. Ar gyfer ardaloedd mawr gellir ffurfio'r gwelyau gyda pheiriant cribo wedi'i dynnu gan dractor gyda bwrdd lefelu, ac yna gorchudd Mypex gyda pheiriant gosod polythen os ar gael. Wrth baratoi gwelyau, gadewch dalar go lew (tua 5m) os ydych chi'n defnyddio peiriannau.
Gall lafant gael ei gynaeafu rhwng Gorffennaf-Awst. Os cânt eu torri i ddistyllu olew rhaid i'r holl flodau fod yn agored, gan amlaf wythnos yn hwyrach nag y byddai blodau'n cael eu torri ar gyfer y farchnad ffres neu sych. Mae'n well torri blodau pan fydd y planhigion yn sych, a bydd haul cryf yn gwella cynnwys yr olew. Os ydych chi'n bwriadu tyfu i gynhyrchu olew mae'n rhaid i chi ystyried argaeledd distyllwr yn ofalus, neu ymchwilio a buddsoddi yn eich cyfarpar distyllu eich hun - mae sut mae'r cnwd yn cael ei ddistyllu yn debygol o gael effaith sylweddol ar sut rydych chi'n cynaeafu ac yn trin eich cnwd. Mae cnwd olew o 35 - 45 kg olew/ha yn bosib mewn blwyddyn dda, ond mae 11 kg olew/ha yn debygol o fod yn fwy nodweddiadol. Dylid torri lafant sy’n cael ei dyfu ar gyfer blodau sych ychydig cyn i'r blodau gyrraedd eu llawn dwf. Dylai'r rhain gael eu gosod ar hambyrddau agored a'u sychu y tu allan yn yr haul (wedi'u gorchuddio yn y nos) neu mewn ystafell sych sydd wedi'i hawyru'n dda.
Efallai y bydd rhywfaint o wywo i'w weld 3-4 blynedd ar ôl plannu. Yn gyffredinol, nid yw hyn yn benodol oherwydd amrywiaeth o ddibenion. Gwelir y problemau gwaethaf mewn twneli, yn enwedig os ydyn nhw’n cael eu cadw'n wlyb. Mae pwysau plâu yn isel ar y cyfan, a gellir rheoli'r rhan fwyaf o broblemau clefydau gyda thoddiant - gall fod yn gnwd delfrydol i’w dyfu'n organig. Mae clefydau yn annhebygol o fod yn broblem sylweddol gyda lafant sy’n cael ei dyfu mewn caeau. Gall pydredd gwreiddiau fel Armillaria, Fusarium, Pythium a Phytophthora fod yn risg, yn enwedig mewn caeau gwlyb. Dylid hefyd cadw llygad am glwyf smotiau Septoria a Vertilicillium. Gall Phoma fod yn amlwg o fis Mai ymlaen wrth i egin ifanc ddod yn glorotig a gwywo. Dylid codi a dinistrio planhigion heintiedig yn gyflym, ochr yn ochr â phlanhigion cyfagos i rwystro’r lledaeniad.
Dadlwythwch y pecyn cymorth: Taflen Gyngor Technegol: Tyfu Lafant
Gwneir pob ymdrech i sicrhau cywirdeb y wybodaeth a'r argymhellion a roddir yn y nodiadau hyn. Dylid defnyddio cemegau amddiffyn cnydau yn unol ag argymhellion y label, y dylid ymgynghori â hwy cyn chwistrellu. Efallai na fydd rhai o'r plaladdwyr a grybwyllir yn y nodiadau hyn yn cael eu cefnogi gan argymhellion y label i’w defnyddio ar gnydau pwmpen ond fe'u caniateir trwy Estyniad Awdurdodi ar gyfer Mân Ddefnydd (EAMU) yn y DU o dan 'Y Trefniadau Tymor Hir Diwygiedig ar gyfer Ymestyn Defnydd (2002 )'. Yn yr achosion hyn, mae defnyddio'r plaladdwr yn cael ei wneud yn ôl risg y defnyddiwr ac nid yw Tyfu Cymru yn derbyn atebolrwydd am unrhyw golled neu ddifrod a achosir gan ddefnydd o'r fath. Mae'r cyfeiriadau at gymeradwyaethau ar y label ac EAMUs ar gyfer defnyddio plaladdwyr mewn cnydau pwmpen ac maent yn gywir adeg ysgrifennu'r adroddiad hwn. Gall y rhain newid a gellir tynnu cymeradwyaeth yn ôl ar unrhyw adeg. Cyfrifoldeb y tyfwr yw gwirio cymeradwyaethau cyn defnyddio plaladdwyr. Os oes unrhyw amheuaeth, dylai tyfwr ofyn am gyngor gan gynghorydd BASIS cymwysedig - mae ar gael yn rhad ac am ddim i dyfwyr cymwys drwy raglen Tyfu Cymru. Cysylltwch â ni i drefnu apwyntiad – cyngor e-bost/ffôn ar gael hefyd.
This spray programme has been written for ornamental crops, products included within it can legally be used in both the production of outdoor and protected ornamentals.
26/05/2022 15:37:47An opportunity to review progress with an integrated approach to pest and disease management, hearing from the group on success and challenges.
21/01/2022 16:39:52Tyfu Cymru's Integrated Pest and Disease Management Network provides training on the recognition of pest, diseases and beneficial insects and will help growers to determine current pest and disease pressures and the need for their prevention and cont…
22/10/2021 14:35:16In the 4th session the Ornamental group lead by David Talbot we looked at limiting the impact of common Summer Pathogens and Vine Weevil.
18/06/2021 14:07:03Are you new to flower farming in Wales? Are you looking to diversify into flower farming? In this article, Tyfu Cymru give some starting points from Brexit to blooms…
10/06/2021 16:31:16The second session of the IPDM network focused on biological controls for the coming season with tips on which predators to introduce and when, plus rates of introduction for prevention and control of key pests within crops. Including tips on the IPM…
07/05/2021 16:04:24We have (safely) captured a Virtual Study Visit with Fiona at Electric Daisy Flower Farm to bring you a glimpse of her business and her journey highlighting the challenges and opportunities along the way.
04/05/2021 09:55:10In this webinar Robert Evans from Pheasant Acre plants an Award-winning Dahlia Expert shared his knowledge on these wonderful plants.
31/03/2021 17:57:42This spray programme has been written for ornamental crops, products included within it can legally be used in both the production of outdoor and protected ornamentals.
31/03/2021 16:46:47Elizabeth Stockdale currently leads the Soil Biology and Soil Health Partnership funded by AHDB and BBRO. In this seminar she draws on the findings from a range of sectors to draw out key principles for flower growers; and also share some of the spec…
24/02/2021 13:24:32Elizabeth Stockdale currently leads the Soil Biology and Soil Health Partnership funded by AHDB and BBRO. In this seminar she draws on the findings from a range of sectors to draw out key principles for flower growers; and also share some of the spec…
24/02/2021 13:24:32This session explored the basics of establishing a lavender operation as part of your current horticulture enterprise. ADAS technical advisor Chris Creed covered varieties, crop husbandry, added value, and costs and considerations.
10/02/2021 13:40:45Traditionally ornamentals producers used to propagate much of their own stock, however in recent years some growers have become plant finishers; buying in all of their young plant material. The bedding sector in particular has specialist young plant…
25/01/2021 15:37:38One of the main barriers for people wishing to work with British Flowers is the limited availability of flowers between the months of November and March. This workshop explores methods of extending the season of cut flower production, looking initial…
25/01/2021 15:22:52The webinar covers the latest updates and best practice for plant protection in field daffodil production, with particular focus on disease and weed control. This includes an update on the performance of new and existing herbicides for weed control i…
25/01/2021 15:19:10The webinar covers the latest updates and best practice for plant protection in field daffodil production, with particular focus on disease and weed control. This includes an update on the performance of new and existing herbicides for weed control i…
25/01/2021 15:19:10Your first line of defence against weeds should be cultural controls; no herbicide programmed will work effectively without good nursery hygiene
21/01/2021 15:58:48Tyfu Cymru hosted a webinar on sunflowers as there is currently a lot of interest in the crop both from farm tourism pick your own and the cut flower growers. This crop is relatively simple to grow and being a combinable crop has more options for wee…
14/12/2020 11:25:23Tyfu Cymru hosted a webinar on sunflowers as there is currently a lot of interest in the crop both from farm tourism pick your own and the cut flower growers. This crop is relatively simple to grow and being a combinable crop has more options for wee…
14/12/2020 11:25:23Recent losses of contact herbicides and increased restrictions on the number of applications and rates of remaining residual herbicides has meant that achieving the desired levels of weed control within both field and container grown ornamental crops…
14/12/2020 10:45:49Sunflowers can make a very attractive addition to wide range of businesses. They can be sold alongside a range of other products, and due to the long flowering season this can even stretch into the autumn to coincide with pumpkins in the run up to Ha…
16/11/2020 11:39:21Lavender can be a new and unusual crop that can be integrated into a range existing grower holdings, and it can even integrate well with other products such as honey if you have hives on site.
16/11/2020 11:29:37Lavender can be a new and unusual crop that can be integrated into a range existing grower holdings, and it can even integrate well with other products such as honey if you have hives on site.
16/11/2020 11:29:37The Flower Farmer’s Year session looks at how Georgie Newbery - the flower farmer and florist who began Common Farm Flowers ten years ago, run their year. They grow about 250,00 stems a year for cutting, they are a retail business and have a very str…
13/11/2020 17:12:22The Flower Farmer’s Year session looks at how Georgie Newbery - the flower farmer and florist who began Common Farm Flowers ten years ago, run their year. They grow about 250,00 stems a year for cutting, they are a retail business and have a very str…
13/11/2020 17:12:22Effective pest and disease control should always begin with cultural controls, and you should plan all your crop management activities on site with pest and disease control in mind. A Dry Regime can be a strong foundation, and can help to limit the i…
30/09/2020 13:33:34Focusing on pesticide application, how best to apply product to get the best results, how to decide when to start spraying – helping you to decide if it is best to wait until problems occur or should preventative treatments be applied, why we are inc…
20/08/2020 16:20:31Plant Biosecurity in the Welsh Ornamental Plant Trade - An Overview from Dr David Skydmore. This webinar is one in a series of workshops and webinars comprising Tyfu Cymru’s Plant Health Programme.
18/08/2020 10:37:20We have (safely) captured a Virtual Study Visit with Fiona at Electric Daisy Flower Farm to bring you a glimpse of her business and her journey highlighting the challenges and opportunities along the way.
29/07/2020 11:40:49A huge range of plants from trees and shrubs to annuals and bulbs can be grown for flowers and this means that they can be harvested for nearly 12 months of the year, particularly if some form of protection is available such as glasshouses or tunnels…
27/07/2020 15:44:38Webinar with David Talbot from ADAS on Integrated Pest Management for commercial ornamental growers in Wales.
29/06/2020 13:56:21Charles Dowding joins us for a Q&A session with Welsh commercial growers following his walk through of No Dig Methods and Intensive Cropping in part one of the webinar series.
12/06/2020 17:04:55In the first part of this webinar Charles presents the benefits of no dig and intensive cropping with an online walk through of no dig growing covering all aspects from no dig polytunnels to planting, composting, multisowing and propagation.
12/06/2020 16:59:52This report presents findings from consultation with ornamental plant and cut flower growers in Wales regarding their immediate experiences of and responses to the Covid 19 (C19) crisis.
07/05/2020 10:59:27In commercial horticulture, plant pests and diseases (P&D) lead to losses in production and subsequent sales losses. This webinar gives an introduction, for the grower, to some of the more common symptoms caused by pathogens and pests and those produ…
07/04/2020 17:25:47Plant Health Webinar: Diagnosis in Ornamental Plants - an overview. Delivered by Dr David Skydmore
07/04/2020 17:14:22Growing plants without soil is a precise method to deliver water and nutrients to match crop demand; because of the enhanced availability of resource to the root-zone, crops can be grown at a higher density than would be possible in the field.
16/12/2019 13:46:44The cut flower market can learn a lot from the way the food and drink industry has promoted provenance and local sourcing as a way to tap into the increasing consumer interest in understanding where our food has come from. And it isn’t a huge step fr…
16/12/2019 13:39:34There is no escaping the growing consumer and media interest surrounding plastic waste and the implications on the environment. In fact, Google trends show that interest in the topic has risen by a staggering 300% over the last 3 years.
16/12/2019 13:37:47