As farmers and growers see the Basic Payment Scheme funding phased out and the new Environmental Land Management system (ELMs) piloted from the beginning of next year, stakeholders in the sector are working with the Government to define the process of ‘payment for public goods’.

In response, Soil Association have launched the (CASH) Carbon Assets for Soil Health Project, an effort to provide evidence that the techniques used by organic and regenerative farmers can sequester carbon and secure it long term.

The project is anticipated to run over three years. Phase one (Aug 2020- July 2021) will primarily involve collecting and generating data on soil organic carbon from farms across the UK.

Project aims:

• A better understanding of the techniques which are increasing soil carbon sequestration
• A clear understanding of the capacity of different soil to sequester carbon in the UK
• An understanding of the opportunities available for farmers from public funding and regulatory standards to maximise carbon sequestration through improved soil management
• The difference between farming systems and practices in their ability to improve soil quality and carbon
If you are a farmer or grower who monitors your soil organic matter, and can give details of cropping history, grazing/manuring practices and soil type, the Soil Association would like to hear from you initially via a survey which can be accessed here

You can find further information on the Carbon Assets for Soil Health Project on the Soil Association website