Tuesday, 10 May 2022
Returning to the Growers Market this year, we have Mercedes and her team, selling a variety of seeds, summer bedding, hanging baskets and shrubs, that are mostly grown at their base near Llandrindod Wells. Make sure to pop by to catch her demonstration for creating a beautiful Hanging Basket!
West Wales Willows will be showcasing some of their range of 260 varieties of Salix (Willows), talking about its uses and providing a demonstration of how to weave a small plant support. A great place to learn, and possibly buy some potted willows or baskets!
Come and see the wonderful P&J Plants for lots of practical knowledge when it comes to Carnivorous plants. Offering a selection of Sarracena, Venus Fly Traps, Sundews and Butterworts. Find mature, potted, and labelled plants – everything to help the customer when they take a new plant home!
In the hills surrounding the Showground is Welsh Lavender, known for turning gorgeous lavender plants into even more incredible products. This year Nancy & her team will be joining the Growers Market with their range of glorious lavender-based creams & balms and their wealth of knowledge regarding lavender. Make sure you stop by, try some hand cream and learn how to grow lavender at 1100 foot above sea level.
Incredible Edible’s work and growing patches are edible attractions to get people talking. They show how people can transform plots of land into abundant sources of healthy food. The local Incredible Edible (Llandrindod Wells) will be filling their stall with potted herbs and vegetable plug plants for you to come enjoy (donations are welcome and encouraged). Learn about their project, progress to date and plans for the future.
If you are a prospective student or an have an interest in horticulture, come and learn about the exciting developments in the Horticulture Department across Neath, Brecon & Newtown colleges and the opportunities in horticultural careers. While you’re at the stand, have a look at some of the plants for sale – all grown by NPTC students!
Visit this unique stall to view a range of both indoor and outdoor bonsai in various stages of development, all of which will be able to purchase. Talk to Darren about the Bonsai training he provides in Powys, and other Bonsai clubs around the country. Make sure to stop by throughout the weekend as he works on Bonsai Styling right in front of your eyes!
Stop by to see the lovely display made up of seasonal British flowers, giving you the chance to buy some beautiful bouquets. Learn about what Flowers From The Farm is, and what they aim to do across Wales, and further afield. Stick around for their wonderful demonstration sessions where you can learn to make your very own flower crown or buttonhole!
Pheasant Acre Plants is a family business operating near Bridgend in South Wales, specialising in the supply of Gladioli corms, Dahlia tubers, plugs and plants and bulbs for all seasons and have received Gold Medal Awards for our produce at leading RHS and regional flower shows including the RHS Chelsea Flower Show.
Are you interested in Vertical Farming? Well look no further than the amazing Tech Tyfu Project whose technology will become increasingly important in the food production of the future. Learn how they are exploring the potential for controlled environment agriculture in the fresh foods supply chain across North Wales.
Joining us will be another superb local horticulture business – Flowers From No 6. A flower shop in the heart of Builth Wells offering beautiful blooms, houseplants, pots and other flower themed gifts. Talk to Vicki about her homegrown seasonal flowers and the locally sourced flowers available from May to October.