Wednesday, 13 October 2021
In 2018 the opportunity arose for Liz & Chris to take on the veg box business, and they knew they just had to do it, even though they had very little previous experience in growing or selling vegetables. They couldn’t imagine going back to life without a box, and figured that other customers would feel the same.
They grow on about 1/2 acre of rented land in Prion, where they have 2 polytunnels and a greenhouse. They use a 2-wheel walking tractor and grow using organic, no-dig methods. They supplement what they grow with organic vegetables bought in from a brilliant wholesaler. They pack the boxes in their shop in Denbigh, and then open the door on a Friday morning to sell the veg they have left after the boxes have gone out.
Liz, Chris & family July 2021
“It’s reassuring and comforting to know that if we hit a stumbling block, we can contact Tyfu Cymru and get
tailored support.” Liz Kameen, July 2021
How did you hear about Tyfu Cymru?
When we bought the business, we were told about Tyfu Cymru and completed the business review straight away. We were a bit sceptical about the 100% funded support available and didn’t know if it would suit our needs but as time
went on we realised that we could join the networks, access useful online sessions and get 1:1 support to suit our business needs.
What support have you received?
We’ve attended a number of the online network sessions, some of them around website development and developing our online presence plus we’ve had some really useful 1:1 training looking at further developing our website and veg box systems and financial processes. We’ve also found being able to watch recordings on the Knowledge Hub helpful when we haven’t been able to attend a session.
What have you found most useful?
The most useful thing about the training for us has been the 1:1 with Insynch. It’s meant that we’ve been able to develop and build our own website which has definitely brought in more business and enabled our customers to order more easily online, therefore reducing the amount of time we have to spend explaining things over the phone or by email.
We’ve found the training and support really accessible and the fact that it’s tailored to our business where
possible has been great.
What is the result of the TC support and impact on your business - especially the growing side?
We’ve seen an increase in turnover and profit and more importantly, the amount of veg we are growing has also increased. We are coping with running the business better now that our systems and processes are in place and we hope to be able to grow the business in a manageable way going forward.
We love the growing side of things and with the support we’ve received, see ourselves being able to provide more home grow produce year on year.
Is there anything you been have been able to do, that you might not have been possible without TC
Develop our website and grow more veg!
We never would have had the skills and confidence to do it without the support we’ve received.
For more information, visit